Our Action Teams

If you’re invested in creating compassionate change here in Arvada, consider joining an action team! Action teams are smaller gatherings with a deeper focus on a key issue. Action teams report back to the whole APA membership and drive events, speakers, and action items for the group to act on.


The Anti-War Action Team works to increase awareness of the enormous impact of war.

Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing Team focuses on increasing the supply of affordable housing reducing homelessness in Colorado.


The Climate Action Team advocates for and testifies for local legislation that combats climate change and pollution.


The Education Team recognizes and supports the importance of a statewide education system that is adequately funded and equitable for all Colorado kids.


The Healthcare Action Team believes that Healthcare is a human right, not a commodity. They advocate for affordable healthcare for all.


The Politica Action Team educates voters on local political candidates’ positions regarding progressive issues and encourages local political activism.

Social Connections

APA is a great networking community, but also a place to make friends and interact with people holding similar values and interests. Connect with us at one of our social events!

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We send out regular email updates about upcoming events and ways to get involved in community actions.
Please fill out the form on our contact page to join our email list.

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