Education Action Team

At APA, we recognize the importance of statewide education that is adequately funded and equitable for all Colorado kids. We partner with other organizations and politicians to promote, educate, and pass legislation that will help get the funding our schools need and the raises our teachers deserve.

Equity and inclusion in schools is important to us. We believe students should have access to mental health and social-emotional support in school, BOOKS with wide representation, fully funded libraries and arts education programs, as well as safe, inclusive learning environments.

The Education Action Team has worked with partner organizations – including Colorado PTA, JCEA, Arvadans for Social Justice, League of Women Voters. We have contributed to planning and hostings School Board Candidate Forums, Endorsed and knocked doors for School Board Candidates and ballot initiatives that would help fund Jeffco and Colorado schools. We have had student activist come speak to our group and have offered support to those activists. We have attended School Board Meetings and advocated for inclusive and equitable policy changes (or in some cases voiced our opposition to bad policy considerations). We have had teachers from the teachers union come and speak about obstacles in their learning environments and educate our group on the best ways to help advocate for Jeffco teachers.

APA proudly endorses the Jeffco Schools Sustainability plan brought forth by the organization Jeffco Students & Parents For Climate Action (JSPCA).

APA Education Action Team

Our education philosophy

  • Equal opportunity and access to education is a right of every child in this country.
  • Fund our schools! Pay our teachers and education staff more and increase per-pupil funding.
  • Every child should feel safe and included in their school.

Education Action Team Leadership

  • Allison Phipps is the current Education Action Team Leader. If you have any questions, or initiatives you would like to partner on with APA Education Team, or wish to join the team please email Allison!