Student Activism

RECAP: Arvadans for Progressive Action Monthly Meeting – September 9th, 2023

View a full recording of our meeting on YouTube:

On Saturday, September 9th 2023, the Arvadans For Progressive Action (APA) held our Monthly Meeting.
We had reports from our APA Action Teams: Anti-War, Communications, Education, Environment, Healthcare, Political Action, and Social Connections
Our September meeting was hosted by our Education Action Team on the topic: Local Student Activism: LBGTQ, Gun Violence, and Environment
We had presentations from local middle and high students involved in:
GSA, Students Demand Action, and Team Enough.
(Madhvi4EcoEthics will be invited back for a later meeting since they were unable to present)
Afterwards, we had a group discussion on the issues raised by our guests and by our members present.