MEETING RECAP: 2024 APA Planning Meeting
On Saturday, February, 3rd APA members met to brainstorm ideas to focus on in 2024. The snow kept our meeting to Zoom only but the break-out discussions were great and we are so grateful for the ideas and positive energy that our members put forth. We had three breakout rooms. Below are all the ideas put forth collected in a list. Watch the recording of our meeting here.
Group brainstorms for 2024 APA actions (numbers reflect member votes on taking action on that item. The word “leader” refers to that item having a volunteer to push the item forward in 2024):
Get out the vote with local high schools/ local colleges. (4)
- Register youth voters.
Advocate for recently closed Jeffco school buildings to be repurposed into community centers. (6)
- Ideas for what could be housed in a neighborhood community center:
- Migrant market (Aurora has a successful one)
- Health center, lactation center, early motherhood classes
- Boys and Girls Clubs – a safe place for kids to hang out, get meals, and do activities after school and during the summer.
- Homeless navigation center and support services
Advocate for affordable housing in every part of the city (6, leader)
- The city council is in agreement that we need affordable housing.
- We can be a ground force on making the case to the city population that this is what we can and will do.
- Putting some information in a simple document to distribute. Understanding the NIMBY perspective.
Calls to Action for Arvada City Hall:
- Call for a resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza. (2, leader)
- Clear Creek trail is full of trash and encampments too close to the water. Can or will the City help with clean up, can they support a trash dumpster (1)
- Change outdated discriminatory policies the city has on the books (1)
- Ask for a change on the City website. It is not easy to use and committee meeting dates.
- Advocate for a city compost solution (perhaps dropoff station if pick up is not in the cards) (7, leader)
- APA needs a seat on the planning commission and AURA. APA needs an action team dedicated to monitoring city council meetings and organizes actions for the group. (1)
- Can we collaborate with local unions on some of these city hall requests? (1)
- Monitor progress on the navigation center and 24/7 shelter that the city council has committed too.
Advocate for city sustainability practices (6)
- Urban sprawl is bad for the environment. Let’s improve neighborhoods with sustainable buildings. Ask the City council to stop approving urban sprawl in Arvada.
- Reduced water use in parks and lawns (1)
- City infrastructure could/should use renewable energy. (4)
Bills and ballot measures to watch:
- Initiative 89 – to amend the Colorado Constitution to enshrine abortion access in Colorado (10, leader)
- HB24-1075 – Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System (6, leader)
- Ballot initiative 91 – to ban fur trapping of bobcats and trophy hunting of mountain lions currently collecting signatures Michelle DeLaria ( local contact collecting signatures (1, leader)
- Colorado Branch is working on a bill to phase out fracking by 2030. If not this legislative session, then a ballot initiative for 2024. (1)
National Groups / Initiatives:
- Keep APA members and subscribers informed of National election activities they can get involved in. Research and inform via website ballot initiatives & legislation in the works. (7, leader)
- Ex: Inequality Media, Vote Forward for national election letter-writing campaigns, Working Families Party
- Improve Medicare for All Nationally (3)
APA Internal tasks:
- Can we find a new venue for our meetings?
- Participate in city fairs to recruit members (Arvada Days Festival) (2, leader)
Other items:
- Tax Second Homes (1, leader)