A terrific day for Healthcare Reform!
February 7, 2024
The day started bright and early at the Healthcare Care Day of Action on the second floor of the Capitol. The APA Healthcare team supports the bill “Analysis of a Universal Healthcare Payment System” (HB24-1075), which was discussed. Seeing many members of the Alliance 4 Colorado Health Care (A4CHC) in Person was so much fun! Four members of the APA Healthcare Action Team attended the Lobby Day. We showed solidarity for our righteous cause by wearing the red berets made by Gage from our group and Thalia Oster’s fiber group in Gunnison County.
The Lobby Day at the State Capitol was hosted/sponsored by Health Care for All Colorado (HCAC): Lydia Guzman, President of HCAC, coordinated Lobby Day. HCAC is one of 3 groups that engaged a lobbyist and participates in the alliance along with other amazing champions for healthcare.
The APA Healthcare Action Team advocated for HB24-1075 in private meetings with our legislators: Representative Lindsey Daughterty and Aaron Silverstein (Senator Rachel Zenzinger’s aide). The feedback we got was positive!
After lunch at the Colorado History Museum, we listened to the Health and Human Services Committee hearing for our bill, HB24-1075. There was remote testimony from Durango, Pagosa Springs, Clear Creek County, Fremont County, Fort Collins, and more. Dr. Greg Tung from the CSPH spoke first and answered some tough questions to get started. Several supportive people were testifying remotely in addition to the powerful lineup prepared by Virginia Gebhart of Colorado Coalition for Universal Healthcare. All the testifiers represented diverse lived experiences and shared astute observations and comments.
HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health Care Payment System passed out of the House Health & Human Services Committee in the afternoon on February 7th. The vote was party line: 9 yes and 4 no.
Here is a link to the hearing 2024.2.7 House HHS Committee Testimony HB24-1075. Start at timestamp 3:05:00 for when Rep McCormick introduces the bill.