Eric Bodenstab
Jeffco County Commissioner District 1

2024 – Answered the following questions from APA:

Eric Bodenstab

Learn more about Eric Bodenstab at

What is the greatest single problem you see facing Jeffco residents today? How would you solve this problem?

Two choices on the ballot, non-competitive districts (53 of 64 Counties in Colorado are 1-party dominant). My proposal for proportional representation for the County Board of Commissioners would strengthen democracy – oddly not provided by the eponymous party. Please see my website or Jesse Kumin’s for more information. In short, Jeffco would need to adopt Home Rule first to bring about this needed electoral reform. Proportional representation would give 27% of the seats to 27% of the vote, and be the most inclusive democratic system we could employ. I should say there are actually 4 choices on this Jefferson County Commissioner Ballot. 1 is very likely to win, 1 is not very likely to win, 1 is a no-show for all forums (when invited) and questionnaires, and finally 1 has the most intriguing ideas and potential solutions for real progressive action.

As more and more unincorporated land is bought with an eye toward development, how would you ensure adequate Open Space?

If you want to help citizens and potential homebuyers, the Board of Commissioners should not approve any new Metro District. In finding more about this issue back in June with Coloradans for Metro District Reform I have come to view these as just a revenue scheme for developers. Indeed, CMDR has demonstrated to that on average a homebuyer pays $200 to $400 more per month on taxes and fees that don’t go to the County, versus someone who lives just on the other side of the boundary with similar structures, utilities, etc. Both the incumbent and my opponent are supportive of these districts with very little evidence that they would even *amend* a proposal of a “service plan” from a developer (though it is in their power to do so via C.R.S. 32). Furthermore, when these service plans are approved the initial board of directors group usually structures these paper tigers such that residents are not allowed to be on the MD board(s) and prevents them from making decisions on how the outrageous debt that pre-authorized is further spent

What is your thinking about the Jefferson Parkway at this time?

As a transportation engineer, I am inclined to say build it. I would be in favor of fully addressing the concerns – environmental, social – and figuring out how to create a valuable roadway-corridor.

What would you do as a County Commissioner to bolster both mental and physical health in Jefferson County?

Continue to fully fund programs in place.

What is your position regarding the ballot issue related to revenue retention, and how would you communicate that position to voters and persuade them that your position should influence how they vote?

I will probably vote no on 1A. Because the issue has been brought before Colorado voters repeatedly and rejected each time. Instead, I would look to reform Metro Districts and hopefully free up revenue that gets captured by a small, powerful lobby.